As soon as you have any problem with your phone, you should first reboot it. Many times simply rebooting can solve the problem. Here’s how to do it!


1. Locate the buttons on the sides of your phone. There is one on the right side when looking at the screen and two on the left.

2. Hold the button on the right side of the phone and either of the buttons on the left side simultaneously.

3. Then, you will see a slider that says “slide to power off” at the top of the screen.

4. Drag the red and white power icon from the left side of the slider to the right.

5. Wait 30 seconds for the phone to power off.

6. To turn the phone back on, hold the button on the right side of the phone until you see the Apple logo on the screen.

7. Then, release the button, and wait for the phone to turn on.

You just rebooted your phone!

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